BACK TO BAKING MADE EASYBAKING MADE EASYHealthy Loaf15 MINGluten-Free, Healthy, VegetarianINGREDIENTS350g/12oz/3 Teacups Coarse Wholemeal125g/4oz/1Teacup Cream Plain Flour1 Teaspoon Bread Soda125g/4oz/Scant Teacup Diced Apricots50g/2oz/Half a Teacup Dried Cranberries50g/2oz/Half a Teacup Sesame Seeds300ml/½pt. Milk125g Tub Natural Yogurt1 Tablespoon Sunflower Oil1 Egg (beaten)METHODSERVES FOUR PEOPLEPreheat oven to 190°C/350°F/Gas 4. Lightly grease a 900g/2lb loaf tinPut the wholemeal, cream flour and sieved bread soda into a large mixing bowl. Mix well together, lifting as you do to introduce ‘air’Add the apricots, cranberries and sesame seeds and again mix well to combineBeat the milk, yogurt, oil and egg together and add to the dry ingredients. Stir well until all dry mixture is combined and ‘wet’ lookingTransfer to prepared tin, smooth top with back of spoon, lightly dust with flour. Make a deep cut lengthways down the centre of the loafPut into preheated oven and bake for about an hour until risen and golden brown. Bread is baked when tapped underneath and has a hollow soundWrap in clean tea towel until coolRecipes you may also like…Recipes, Sweet TreatsBlueberry and Lemon Cheesecake JarsVIEW RECIPERecipes, Sweet TreatsLuscious BrowniesVIEW RECIPEBaking Made Easy, RecipesOat Blueberry MuffinsVIEW RECIPESTAY CONNECTEDSubscribe to The Pantry NewsletterIt’s filled with the latest up to date news, exclusive recipes and food inspirationSUBSCRIBEINSTAGRAMLatest from our InstagramFollow us @pantrykilkee Follow on Instagram