BACK TO SWEET TREATSSWEET TREATSStrawberry and Rhubarb Ginger Nut Crumble15 MINGluten-Free, Healthy, VegetarianINGREDIENTS750g Rhubarb110g caster sugar150g strawberries/raspberries1tsp grated fresh gingerCRUMBLE180g ginger nut biscuits100g SR flour50g butter50g caster sugar1 tsp. cinnamon1 tsp. ground ginger1 tsp. nutmeg2-3 tbsp. light brown sugar25g chopped walnuts/ hazelnutsMETHODSERVES FOUR PEOPLEPre heat oven180cWash and chop the rhubarb and place in a roasting tin, add 2-3 tbsp. caster sugar and place in oven for 15 minutesAllow to cool and add strawberries to rhubarb when coolPlace fruit in a pyrex dishMAKE CRUMBLECrush biscuits in food processorAdd flour and butter and buzz for a few minutesAdd caster sugar, spices and mix wellScatter over the rhubarb and add walnuts and brown sugarBake for 40 minutes at 180CTest with a skewer to check if cooked enoughRecipes you may also like…Baking Made Easy, RecipesOat Blueberry MuffinsVIEW RECIPERecipes, Sweet TreatsBlueberry and Lemon Cheesecake JarsVIEW RECIPERecipes, VegetarianRoast Vegetables and Couscous SaladVIEW RECIPESTAY CONNECTEDSubscribe to The Pantry NewsletterIt’s filled with the latest up to date news, exclusive recipes and food inspirationSUBSCRIBEINSTAGRAMLatest from our InstagramFollow us @pantrykilkee Follow on Instagram